Vdo Vacate Cleaning

Vdo Vacate Cleaning

Changing your residence or location can be tough, especially with end of lease cleaning which is mandatory and End of lease cleaning is crucial so that at the time of the inspection you receive your money back. This cleaning must follow real estate standards and be carried out according to the cleaning checklist from the end of the lease contract.

Vdo Cleaning will do the cleaning according to all requirements in your lease agreement so at the time of the real estate inspection it’ll be easy for you. This way you'll have more time to take care of other matters while we clean the place with the best vacate cleaning ever seen by the owner in Perth! We service all Perth metropolitan area, from Yanchep to Mandurah.

  • Clean out the cupboards;
  • Vacuuming & mopping;
  • Clean doors handles and drawers;
  • Special oven and grill cleaning agent;
  • Wash flyscreen and security door;